Why I use We The People Holsters.
Code: ROGUE15 for 15% off & Free Shipping

Three years ago I started using an IWB from We The People Holsters for my Glock 43X. First things first, I chose WTP because they are pro2a, pro law enforcement, pro military, and made in the USA. The first holster I bought for my Glock 43X was the Glock 43 IWB Holster - Glock 43x Holster – wethepeopleholsters.com Thin Blue Line. I used this holster for over a year before I joined the WTP Team as a Pro Staff member. What I love about their holsters are their durable, adjustable, and provide a quick clean draw.

I use all my IWB holsters daily. Whether it's hiking, trail running, hunting, checking game cams, or at the grocery store I'm ALWAYS packing. I chose the IWB style holster because I feel more secure with it. I can wear it inside my waistband and not have it bother me while touching my body, COMFORT! As a hunting guide, sometimes I feel like an over decorated Christmas tree with all my gear. With the IWB holster I can easily relocate my holster, which helps a ton! For example, when I have the holster attached to my Eberlestock Gun Runner Pack and drop an animal, I take my holster off and attach it to my chest strap on my ALPS pack frame.

I know your wondering, "Why doesn't she carry it on the inside of her waste band?"
Hunting gear for women fits a lot different than it does on men. Clothing and packs usually fit so different to the point it gets in the way if I were to carry IWB (inside waistband). Second part of the answer, I have dealt first hand with bears charging while hunting and I like my firearm quickly accessible.
Two years ago I had a downed buck in the bottom of a thick nasty canyon. It was injured and not going down, my Dad and I left all our gear at the truck, and bailed off into this canyon to finish the job quickly. (1 hour left of daylight) After following the blood trail, we located the buck, and finished him off. My dad packed my 300 Remington out to grab the packs and I stayed with my buck. I had two bullets in his 300 Remington. If your a hunter, you know when it's raining in thick timber, in the bottom of a canyon with a creek, it can be loud. I heard noises that got closer and heavier, as I turned around a black bear was about 60 yards away from me, running straight for me and my buck. I stood up, drew my pistol, and started yelling, "no bear." As a hunter with ethical decisions, I was not about to shoot this bear with a 300 Remington because my Dad was not 80 yards behind the bear in the brush. I knew that if a predator was on this scent trail within 30 minutes of my buck being dead, more predators would be in the area. As I watched the bear walk off, my dad ran back down the hill, and we instantly started taking off rain jackets to hide the bucks body. We ran up the hill, grabbed all the gear we had to get this buck out in one pack out, and ran back down the hill. After getting the meat on our backs, I turned around and ANOTHER bear was behind us at 15 yards on our exit trail. Pistol drawn once again, yelling "no bear, hey bear" we started out. No shots fired, we made it back to the truck.

(The 2nd bear was right behind us as I
turned around after taking this picture.)
As you can see I have used WTP holsters in the most insane scenarios and I will not use any other holster. If you want any WTP gear use code ROGUE15 for an extra 15% off and free shipping.